2019. You were a good and sometimes complicated year. Each year i’ve come to find myself reviewing what seems like endless amounts of images to try and sum up everything we got to witness this year. It’s an impossible job and we always over-share. How can we not, when there is just so much? Our world is a complicated and sometimes heavy place. Something we have always appreciated about this job is that it forces us to focus on the positive. The joyful, the exuberant, the impossible weight of love. Yes there is a lot of negative news out there, but these images give us hope in a world that celebrates love. A world that celebrates new life. A world that celebrates inclusion and expansion and freaking JOY.
What a gift that is for us. To spend our time, energy and love pouring into truly remarkable people and holding up a mirror image of their magnificence.
2019 was our ninth year of being full time photographers. We’ve come to watch this business burst out of it’s seed and explode, sometimes faster than we can manage, other times in seasons of feared drought. We’ve seen people fall in love, get married, go through their honeymoon phase, try for babies, experience infertility, loose parents, have children, loose children, buy houses, move around the world, get divorced and start over. We’ve got to witness LIFE right next to some of the most incredible people and it’s sometimes just more than my heart can handle.
Next year we will celebrate 10 years in this business. We are so excited for what is to come. It feels big and different and we are allowing change to come and transform this little business into something new. Join us?