2021 was the year that brought hope. Yes, it had challenges, but even on days when the headlines were so depressing we couldn’t possibly think things could get worse - we would drive ourselves to our photoshoot and witness true, unabashed LOVE. We *always* left on a high and can honestly say that our day would turn around and get better after working. How many people can say that about their job?
Our business is more than just a job. It’s our passion and calling. We are so grateful to witness moments like;
-The anticipation (and sometimes agony) of pregnancy and awaiting a new life
-Conversations with headshot clients about how their new careers are more in line with who they are NOW.
-Fat tears and bear hugs from Papa as the 2 year old scraped their knees on the sidewalks during our session
-Knowing glances at their partner when we ask a couple who is recently engaged how they knew she or he was “the one”
-Teenagers sneaking a TikTok video or Instagram Reels of their sessions with us and feeling *really cool* that they are in a photo studio
-The “newborn fog” that settles into a house with a new baby like an upside down dream. Time is something that doesn't exist here. Day is night and night is day. It’s a holy space and it’s one of the weirdest feelings leaving someone's home after a newborn session only to portal out into my own regular life with a trip to Target and then take our kids to the park and walk the dog
-The nervous glances between parents when their toddler starts having a tantrum in the middle of our session even though they were more prepared than a Hollywood movie team, and then the relief we can feel in their emails after asking us “how in the world we got so many good photos when their child was NOT into it”
-The tears and pride that the parents of the couple who is getting married hold back as they watch a wedding ceremony
-The eyes of a Maid of Honor giving her toast to a crowded room and then grounding down as she shares a hug with a glance with her bride
The human spirit is alive and well. Even in the middle of a terrible Pandemic. Even in the middle of an unjust world where humans sometimes treat each other terribly. Even in the middle of wildfires and hurricanes and tornadoes and earthquakes. We get to see the best parts of life everyday in this job - and for that? Well, gratitude doesn’t cover it.
Happy New Year, friends. Hope to see you in 2022.
-Kendra & Matt